What to do with loss.

A Grief Un-wasted What to do with loss.

Mourning. What does the Bible tell us about it? According to history, one of Israel’s greatest leaders was named Moses. Moses came to the rescue, through God’s directive, to deliver the people of God from the tyranny of Egypt. While in the wilderness, he lead the people to the promise land, as well as opening the lines of communication between God and His people. But, after years of leading them in the most epic time for Israel’s history, Moses passed. Israel was left with such a void. But God did not rush them to move on, rather He gave them a month. A whole month to cry, weep, mourn, and share the pain they felt with one another. God among them, crying with them. 

What can we gain from this story. God understands our grief. He too knows the feeling of loss. And He creates a space for the process of mourning to happen, in a safe unhurried environment. 

If you feel you are in this time of mourning, or never gave yourself the grace and time for it. Don’t waste it. Lean into the pain. Gather others with you that love you and are sympathetic to your feelings. Trust God in this process and know it is for your souls good that God gives us this time and these feelings. In the end, loss will give rise to the gift of relishing life for what it really is. A gift from Him.