Our Mission

First Christian Church comes with a beautiful history. During the 1800’s, two great movements in two different states within the US began. These two movements met one another and formed the “Christian Church”. It is not a denomination. In fact, its desire is to bring the church back to being one whole body again. With that in mind, our mission as the church is to make resilient disciples of Jesus. Teaching them His ways of living life. Empowering them to follow Jesus on their own two feet. Being a loving and compelling presence within the community of Ramona, and where ever each person resides. We want to fulfill the great commission of Matthew 28:16-20, by God’s Spirit and power. 

Our Vision

Our vision is simple, we desire to be a calming, loving, empowering, and engaged presence within the communities that God has placed us. Bringing the Kingdom of God, wherever we are, as it is in Heaven. Through serving our community, praying for all around us, and displaying the Love of God to all creation. By whatever means God places at our disposal. 

Pastor Johnny Talking


Our core values


Christian Churches have a high view of Scripture. We believe it is infallible, and is God’s revelation to humanity from cover to cover. We trust it, and keep it as our foundation for life and faith.

2 Peter 1:20-21; Matthew 24:35


Christian Churches are not a denomination. We believe in the unification of the Church universal. God has called us to unity, and we seek to create community that reflects this truth

1 Corinthians 1:10; John 17:71


Christian Churches desire to make resilient disciples, following the commission of Jesus to His Church. We seek to create a community that loves God and people, teaching them to follow the ways of Jesus as He exemplified and taught. We seek to be a community of hope and light for the rest of the world, and generations to come

Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:42-47


Christian Churches partake and celebrate Communion on the first day of every week. We consider it an act of God’s grace, and His invitation to His table, where there is always room for one more.

Acts 20:7


Christian Churches believe in following Jesus’ example of full emersion baptism. We believe that water Baptism is an outward action of an inward reality. As Jesus was crucified, buried and rose again, so we believe water Baptism reflects the same truth

Acts 22:16; Galatians 3:27

Lead Minister

Pastor Johnny Diaz

Lead Minister
Elder and Board Chairman

Scott Field

Elder and Board Chairman
Trustee and Voting Board Member

Charlie Watson

Trustee and Voting Board Member
Deacon and Voting Board Member

Ed Robards

Deacon and Voting Board Member
Keyboards and Voting Board Member

Georgia Govern

Keyboards and Voting Board Member
Board Secretary and Voting Board Member

Jill Robards

Board Secretary and Voting Board Member
Family Ministries Director and Voting Board Member

Ashley Diaz

Family Ministries Director and Voting Board Member


First Christian Church of Ramona

1970 Vermont St 

Ramona CA 92065